Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Other bunch of Chocolate Teapots (Railway Division)

Following on from First "bloody" Trans-Pennine yesterday - this morning it was Northern "bloody" Rail's turn to make a mockery out of the phrase "Train Company" - 0724 was 25 minutes late - so bus to Stalybridge (which due to transport integration enables you to "just miss" the 0735 - ha !) - today at work for 0850.

More when I get home including the pix from last night.... and the Buffet Bar Conservatory is now "open for business", so some pix to add in there as well !!!

1 comment:

twiglet said...

Hi Mike, as a fellow Northern rail passenger, i share your frustrations.. and while the ridiculous targets system allows companies like Northern Rail to be so late at a particular stop but then be officially classed as being on time just because they manage to make the final destination on time, the incentive to provide a decent service for most passengers is not there.

I've become so frustrated that I've launched a public complaints forum to try and publicise the poor service. Please consider adding your complaint for Northern rail complaints.