Thursday, December 06, 2007

Stalybridge Station Train Information System - Latest

Well we don't do times - we'll say hello/welcome now and again - we'll warn you to stand clear of the platform edge - but we don't do times - and we haven't done for months - tis a f**king disgrace - I'll tell 'em where to stick their 14% fare increase - almost like a congestion charge (!!!) - tomorrow - OK in seven hours time - I will photograph the poster that tells the world what the £1.5 million has been spent on - and we can dissect it at our leisure as midweek football games will be few and far between now for a couple of months...

Meanwhile - tonight - in case you forgot it's very nearly Christmas - and all the teddy bears named Jethro (?) are happy - incidentally you know that teddy picture I put on last Tuesday ??
The teddy only cost us a tenner - but since appearing on the blog, I've been able to sell it for £25 - I call that a "prophet" ...........

But I digress - tonight's VITALLY important Train Information message from Stalybridge Station - courtesy of "Transpenni" ....

Yo ho ho - p.s. your train is late due to vandalism in the Guide Bridge area -- you just couldn't make it up - could you ???

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