I've been away a bit - OK got back from Belper on Wednesday morning after the Droylsden game - back to Belper on Thursday afternoon (Mother-in-Law has had central heating fitted - and the house was in rather a mess so it was a couple of days of hoover/duster/paint and general "tidy")
Today was a trip to Leicestershire to see Quorn play Belper Town - as I was driving back to Mossley tonight I assumed the role of "Des the Driver" ferrying Darlo, Penfold & Jordan to the game .... the game ... Belper should have been, if not home and dry, but certainly "indoors and towelling themselves down" by half-time - but it was only 1-0. When the penalty was missed/saved in the second half there was almost an air of "you know exactly what's going to happen" amongst some of the Nailers' faithful - sure enough on 85 minutes-ish, the equaliser arrived - two points lost I'm afraid ... some pix at
Quorn unsuitable for Vegans - unlike Tofu
I kept getting scary messages on my phone - "One Down" - "Two Down" - "3-0" "Now it's four" - "It gets worse - five" - if you've checked out today's scores you'll know these msgs came direct from Seel Park Mossley ..... looks like I was lucky today (to miss it that is) - Mossley off to the Shay on Tuesday night to meet FC Halifax Town. While Mossley did beat Halifax at the beginning of September the newly-formed club finally seem to be finding their Unibond feet - so we look at this trip with a soupcon of trepidation I feel - one for the "train crew" I hope - something for me to check ....
One final mention from today's game at Quorn - at half-time an old guy collapsed in the Social Club (heart attack) - Penfold (see above) has the St John training and together with the Quorn FC physio helped to keep the guy alive until the ambulance arrived - let's hope the guy pulls through ...
Rainworth MWFC 1-2 Stapleford Town
I exit Chesterfield FC's SMH Group stadium to be met with a 50 mph howling
wind. The rain stings my skin like it did on my arrival four hours ago. I
22 hours ago
Sadly Smiffy, the Quorn website announced today that teh guy passed away. RIP
Thanks for that Ken - spotted on Belper site too - a bloody shame - but Dave should be proud ...
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